To achieve full equality among society and its members, having women in the government is essential. Women’s participation in political and public life will help attain Self-Development Goals, satisfy women’s needs in the state or country and represent unity.
Though 142 women will be serving in Congress in 2021, including women of color, than ever before, the number is still only a quarter of the total Congress population. Yet, women in American politics push themselves to bring change and shape the nation’s policies, laws, and organizations. Comparatively, women are contributing to politics to support diverse contributors and break into new government rules than before. Today, Kamala Harris became the first woman of color to take the lead as Vice President.
History of women in American politics
As the nation kept developing, women’s political participation rose. Though it wasn’t easy, women got their roles in the government and political movements. However, women were excluded from politics for a long time, and they had to fight for their place in the government role.
There was a common way for women to enter Congress in the 1970s, described as “widow’s succession.” It was to replace the deceased male relative.
Some of the notable women in American politics
Abigail Adams was the first politically active and brave lady who spoke her rights into politics in 1776. She was the first lady to the second president of the U.S. After the demise of her husband, John Adams, she spoke out about women’s issues in the nation.
Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton: In aspect to fight for women’s rights, they both founded the National Women Suffrage Association in 1869.
Julia C. Addington became the first woman elected to public office in the U.S.
Jeanette Rankin came from Montana and was the first woman to be elected to Congress. She also stated that she might be the first woman to be elected but won’t be the last.
Nellie Tayloe Ross became the first woman governor in 1925, replacing her late husband.
Sandra Day O’Connor was the first woman to serve as U.S. Supreme court justice in 1981.
Madeleine Albright became the first female secretary of state in 1997.
Hillary Clinton was the first woman to run for president nominee.
Kamala Harris became the first woman, Indian American, and African American to serve as vice president in 2021
Women in American politics represent leadership through which the political environment will fall in place, like eliminating gender-based violence, childcare, gender-equality laws, and so on.
In 1920, the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution granted women the right to vote. By now, a record 144 women are serving in the 117th Congress, which increased the percentage to 50 over a decade.
Women’s roles in American politics are evolving increasingly, opening new opportunities for them to be decision-makers in politics.